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Hands on Experience

We host both educational classroom sessions and field days throughout the year. The EMBA has a teaching bee yard (apiary) at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center (Olive & Lindbergh). This teaching bee yard allows the Club to provide hands-on demonstrations for beekeepers of all skill levels. 

For information on how to join Open Apiary days with the Great Plains Master Beekeeping, click the link below.



Keep Bees


Spring Management

There's nothing better than hands on experience, we offer work sessions during the busiest beekeeping months. The first of these is used to manage the hives at the Danforth apiary in early spring for the upcoming population buildup. 

These sessions are very helpful for beekeepers that have overwintered colonies and are awaiting a queen to be delivered in early April. Assessing colony strength, dividing colonies, making up nucs, and introducing queens are some of the topics covered. 

Details about this will be communicated at the monthly meeting and via email. Volunteers to assist are always needed and welcome. Protective clothing required to enter the bee yard. 

Questions about this workshop can be directed to our hotline at 314-451-(BEEK) 2335.

Nuc + Queen Pickup

Nucs and queens are typically available through the EMBA. Check the website to confirm when they go on sale and what is offered for that year. Location, dates and times will be announced for pickup.



Honey Extractaganza

The club offers the opportunity for members to work alongside experienced beekeepers, learning how to remove to uncap the honey and extract. Check the website for details on schedule and how many supers each member can bring.

MO State Fair

Members package their honey and hive products to be entered in the yearly honey competition at the Missouri State Fair.

Members also volunteer to staff the Missouri State Beekeepers Booth spreading information about honey bees and selling honey.



Educating Beekeepers Since 1939

Located in St. Louis, Missouri, the Eastern Missouri Beekeepers Association (EMBA) is a volunteer-based organization that trains beginning and advanced beekeepers, promotes beekeeping within the region; and provides networking opportunities for beekeepers, old and new. Educating beekeepers for the last 86 years!

EMBA is proud to endorse:

Wyoming Street

St. Louis, MO 63218


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All rights reserved.

Eastern Missouri Beekeepers Association.

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